1:1 Coaching

Coaching sessions are held virtually both nationally and globally.

Individual Coaching Sessions

We know the pressures, exhaustion, and burnout ministry and the helping professions can bring. We also believe there is hope for greater wellness and wholeness for you, and a pathway of growth both internally as well as toward your goals! One of our coaches will be pleased to meet with you virtually in whatever rhythm (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.) works best for you.

Some of our coaches are also licensed therapists in various states and may be able to provide therapy as needed.


Come to our offices in Southern California or Dallas, TX for an in-person Coaching Intensive (1 or 2 days).

What to Expect

We are so excited to spend this time with you (and your team, spouse, etc.)! It is our hope that our time together both encourages and strengthens you as well as helps you become more whole and healthy, leaving behind things that have been hindering your desired growth and hope for vibrant living.

Schedule of Sessions

Generally, we meet for 8 hours each day - 4 hours in the morning, 4 hours in the afternoon; you may meet with us for one day or two. But this can (and will) be adapted and adjusted according to what is best and needed for you/your family!

Ministry Support

We serve ministries and churches with pressing concerns and crises to strengthen and encourage them.

What to Expect

Ministry support is a service provided to churches to act as an adjunct to existing staff. We utilize indirect and direct methods to provide ministry support, soul care, self-care training and assist staff in all of their own relational and individual needs.

We know there are immense benefits for ministry staff when they attended to their own soul. Care for our finite being (body, mind, heart) and our infinite being (soul, spirit) is critical to living a vibrant life. We can provide soul care activities along with the finite care. The more that we strengthen both sides, human and soul, the more we find the peace Jesus gave to us.

Ministry support can also assist churches to better train their staff and prepare them for unpredictable and challenging situations that are bound to arise among those who are called to teaching and ministering. This ministry support helps to prepare the staff/individuals for the unexpected and is also available in times of crisis and through those difficult times.

Trainings and Seminars

Our coaches travel anywhere in the country to host live, in-person trainings for ministry teams and church staffs.

What to Expect

A team from VLC will come to your church/organization/location, anywhere in the country.

  • We will tailor our resources, teaching, and small group/individual meetings to meet your needs.

  • Seminar model - teaching portions, followed by breakout sessions, small group sessions, or individual sessions.

  • Based on “It’s Not a Bear” Workbook/Curriculum.

  • A VLC coach will be available for monthly team follow up sessions as needed.

  • Individual coaching as well as recommendations for therapy or other follow-up care (available locally) may be made.